One of the most unfortunate myths out there is that wearing hearing aids is a bad thing. There is a lot of stigma that has built up over the years about wearing hearing aids, and it’s the type of stigma that people need to let go of. Hearing loss has always been associated with getting older, but in today’s world, more young people are dealing with hearing loss and other hearing issues. It’s important to know that it doesn’t mean that you’re getting old to have hearing aids fitted; especially not when you see children with hearing aids today!

The problem is that this stigma leads people to not go and seek hearing treatment from a reputable audiologist. They believe that people will judge them and that’s a bigger problem than the stigma itself. When you don’t speak to an audiologist about your hearing, you’re more likely to notice that your hearing ability decreases over time than ever before.

If you’re not wearing hearing aids for vanity purposes, then the only person you are hurting is yourself – especially when there are options out there that make hearing aids almost invisible. Discussing these options with an audiologist is the best service that you can give to yourself to avoid permanent hearing damage that can no longer be supported.

The good news is that the stigma is waning. With the changes in hearing technology happening right now, there are also changes in the perception of hearing aids today – which can only be a positive thing for those who are too nervous or worried to wear them!

Why You Should Wear Your Hearing Aids

There are plenty of reasons you should ignore the stigma that comes with hearing aids. You need them to support your hearing, sure, but how else can they help you to really live your life:

  • You will find conversations with others much easier, allowing you to be more sociable in a way that’s comfortable. This will give you so much more confidence!
  • If you’re dealing with symptoms of tinnitus, that should slow right down and you’ll drown it out by hearing real sounds.
  • You won’t have to keep turning up the radio or the TV
  • Your brain won’t be working so hard to create sound pathways to your ears anymore, which can be exhausting.
  • You’ll hear better.

All of these reasons are going to help you to hear the world around you and even if you don’t have a profound hearing loss, hearing aids are going to give you that boost. Did you know that hearing loss is associated with mental health issues, cognitive decline and dementia? Most people are unaware, but the research shows that the brain starts to forget how to hear. The cells shrink and die off, which can happen when there is not enough stimulation in the hearing center of the brain.

Hearing aids can be a life changer if you are dealing with hearing loss. There’s no need to consider how they look anymore because you can choose to have the style of hearing aids that leave them in the ear canal. These are going to help you to hear the sounds around you and conversations you’re having with friends, and you don’t have to worry about how they look because they’re discreet.

People of any age can deal with hearing loss and hearing issues, and it’s important that you educate yourself on the fact that your hearing aids are going to enhance your life. There are so many technological advances out there in the hearing aid world today that have never been there before. They’re nothing like the huge hearing aids that your grandparents may have had. Hearing aids have evolved and while you can still get the behind the ear option, they’re often cast aside in favor of the in the ear hearing aids.

You can connect hearing aids up to your phone, your Bluetooth and you can even stream TV and movies to your hearing aids. The technology is such that you can even link fitness watches and iPads to your hearing aids so that you can hear what you want to hear. If you are dealing with a hearing impairment at any level, then speaking to your audiologist about your options and ensuring that you have your hearing tested is your next step.

Speaking to the experts at Rametta Audiology & Hearing Aid Center will be the best thing that you do for your hearing health. All you have to do is call us at Tarentum: (724) 409-4439 and Vandergrift: (724) 567-3233 and our audiologists will be happy to help.